My name is Sarah! I'm an Occupational Therapist and Pilates Instructor who opened my own studio back in 2016 which was the BEST thing I've ever done. I'm located in Currumbin, on the Gold Coast, QLD and I don't think you'll ever find me living anywhere else.
2. What type of services does your studio offer?
We offer private and semi private style studio Pilates classes for fitness, rehab, pre and post natal. We also offer lymphatic drainage, post breast cancer treatment, lymphedema treatment, physiotherapy, breath retraining and hypnotherapy.
3. What do you love most about your Business?
I love EVERYTHING about my business. It's not always easy, in fact, it's often not easy, but it's ALWAYS worth it. I love the freedom, I like doing things my way and actioning my ideas. I love helping people and seeing their amazing results from investing in our services, it's the most rewarding thing I've ever done. I LOVE the women I get to work with, both staff and clients, I'm incredibly blessed with the community we've created. It really is just the most amazing feeling to love going to work every day.
4. Which service is your no.1 seller and why?
Our number one service would be our Pilates classes - that's where we sell the highest volume. Our niche however is working with women post breast cancer and we see a lot of women in the studio from that area.
5. Why did you start your Business?
A few reasons really... I've always had a calling to serve and to create impact. I've always wanted to do something 'big' and worthwhile. For me, my work HAD to be meaningful. I was studying OT and Pilates at the same time and I loved them both. In my final year of uni it all just sort of fell together. I did a placement at a hospital in a lymphedema clinic and I saw a massive hole in the recovery journey where women post breast cancer were not receiving the full service and education they needed, and I had the perfect skillset to address it! So I did some time working in the hospital to build my skillset and save some money, then after 3 years, I was ready to go!
6. Who/What are some of your favourite Instagram pages to follow?
As a rule, I tend not to follow other pages in my industry closely. I like to keep in my lane and not be distracted about what others might be doing.
7. For someone reading this what is one piece of advice you would give them when starting their own business?
Dream big then plan bigger. I really believe anyone can do it, but you need to have some grit to get through. Stay true to yourself and your mission, don't take on what others might be doing around you, it's too distracting and you never know what's going on in their reality.