We joined the HeroPack!

July 23, 2019 2 min read

Hero Packaging - SOCK-IT & CO.

We are huge Environmental lovers at Sock-It & Co. and are doing our best to make a difference - that is why we changed our old plastic bags over to the Hero Packaging! 

Who and What is Hero Packaging?

Anaita and Via are a couple looking to make a difference in the world and their goal is to turn Australia from plastic shipping bags to eco-friendly compostable ones. Not only did they want to have eco-friendly shipping bags but they wanted to do it in the most ethical and environmental way. Did you know that 90% of plastics and food scraps land up in landfill and can turn into methane! So their mission from here was to source a 100% home compostable mailing bag that would break down no matter where it ended up.

What is Hero Packaging made of?

Believe it or not but Hero Packaging is made up of Cornstarch and Cassava Root. Bot have the ability to break down in 90 Days in a compostable environment. This means that no toxins or waste are being left behind in our world! What is even greater is that the packaging turns into food for the worms! It is all the circle of life! 

We chose Hero Packaging because of how invested they are in making a difference, so all new orders will come in your very own worm food! How great is that! We could not be happier for our Non-Slip Grip socks!

As we are also going to be transitioning from Plastic ourselves all Wholesale and Retail orders will not come wrapped in Plastic and our Grip Socks will be placed neatly and freely inside the Hero Packaging bags!

We cannot wait to hear your thoughts around our new packaging!

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